- 嬌小機身,巨大防護。
- Garmin Dash Cam Mini 2 提供 140 度視野,同時能以 1080p 高畫質影像捕捉並儲存重要細節,如車鑰匙大小又具備聲控功能,滿足您的所有需求。
- 捕捉關鍵細節。透過 140 度視野錄製 1080p 高畫質影片。
- 自動上傳事件影片至安全性極高的 Garmin Vault 線上影像庫。
- 聲控功能可讓您無須動手就能下達語音指令,讓所有操作變得更容易。
- Live View 即時影像監控功能讓您透過手機遠端監控愛車。
- 當停妥的愛車發生碰撞,Parking Guard 停車守護功能會在第一時間向您發出警示。
- 雙 USB 車用充電器讓您能同時為手機及行車記錄器供電。
- Compact in size, massive in protection.
- The Garmin Dash Cam Mini 2 offers a 140-degree field of view, simultaneously capturing and storing important details in 1080p high-definition video. As small as a car key, it also features voice control functionality, fulfilling all your needs.
- Capture key details. Record 1080p high-definition videos with a 140-degree field of view. Automatically upload event videos to the highly secure Garmin Vault online repository.
- Voice control allows for hands-free operation, making all tasks easier. Live View enables real-time monitoring of your vehicle through your smartphone.
- In the event of a collision while parked, the Parking Guard function immediately alerts you.
- Dual USB car charger allows you to power both your phone and dash cam simultaneously.
Garmin Dash Cam Mini 2 極致輕巧廣角行車記錄器 16GB