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便捷購物 | Convenient Shopping
The shop is located in the center of Macau, with convenient parking, making shopping easy for you.
The shop is located in the center of Macau, with convenient parking, making shopping easy for you.
選購服務 | Selection Service
A diverse range of automotive products, with professional staff to assist you in choosing the most suitable product.
A diverse range of automotive products, with professional staff to assist you in choosing the most suitable product.
護理指導 | Care Assistance
Offering free professional advice to help you understand how to apply automotive care products.
Offering free professional advice to help you understand how to apply automotive care products.
最佳誠信店 | Best Certified Shops
Achieved the 'Best Certified Shops' Merit Prize for three consecutive years.
Achieved the 'Best Certified Shops' Merit Prize for three consecutive years.
玻璃隔熱紙 | Window Film
Offering legal, eco-friendly, high-quality solutions for glass heat-insulating film.
Offering legal, eco-friendly, high-quality solutions for glass heat-insulating film.
充電器安裝 | Charger Installation
Offering free on-site inspection and assessment, with installation services conducted by professional technicians, to meet your electric vehicle charger needs.
Offering free on-site inspection and assessment, with installation services conducted by professional technicians, to meet your electric vehicle charger needs.
更換電池 | Battery Replacement
Checking and replacing car batteries.
Checking and replacing car batteries.
安全監控 | Safety Monitoring
Installing dash cams to ensure the safety of public vehicles.
Installing dash cams to ensure the safety of public vehicles.
椅套訂購 | Seat Cover Ordering
Offering custom car seat covers and installation services.
Offering custom car seat covers and installation services.
產品展示 | Product Display
Participating in major exhibitions and interacting with customers.
Participating in major exhibitions and interacting with customers.
傳媒來訪 | Media Visit
Media visit to understand the popularity of dash cams in Macau.
Media visit to understand the popularity of dash cams in Macau.
圖片介紹 | Photo Introduction
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